A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Oh no, I fell asleep on the train… Where am I?

The Endless Express is a game made by Florian Veltman, Alexandre Taillefert, Martin Gugger, Felix Meunier & Baptiste Virot

It's a follow-up on the 2014 game jam game Endless Express (link)!

Explore some cool places by taking the train, get lost and find your way back home(?)! Talk and become friends with to the various characters on your voyage! Explore the various areas at different times and stuff!


  • WASD/ZQSD to move
  • Mouse to look around
  • Right click to interact
  • Left click to zoom
  • Shift to run
  • Esc to open portal to self


This game was intended as our first commercial game, after making the 2014 game jam game we thought it'd be cool to expand on the concept and try to put in all the ideas we had for the game jam. The project ended up being a bit too big for us to actually properly finish, we wanted to do so much more with the concept! Our team just wasn't experienced enough in making vidgams.

So yeah that's why we decided to release the project in its current state, hoping someone would enjoy playing it despite the rough edges!

Florian, Alexandre, Martin, Felix & Baptiste

Florian Veltman, Alexandre Taillefert, Felix Meunier, Martin Gugger, Baptiste Virot
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Jun 27, 2016
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(220 total ratings)
AuthorsFlorian Veltman, Alexandre Taillefert
TagsAtmospheric, Exploration, First-Person, flat-shading, Real-Time, Relaxing, Short, Surreal, Walking simulator, weird
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
Mentionsitch.io at XOXO


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

The Endless Express Windows x64.zip 88 MB
The Endless Express Windows x86.zip 86 MB
The Endless Express OS X.zip 99 MB
The Endless Express Linux.zip 100 MB


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the trains kept leaving before i could get on lol good game 

is the game crashed? i tried opening it but after a few seconds the game turned itself off

great game.

Super cute and the frogs were awesome hahaha

the color of this game are fantastic

You left input gravity on.

Hi! Just curious what jam you guys made the first game for initially? Super cool game, I come back to it every couple years.

I love the color palette in this game


This may be an unfinished prototype from nearly ten years ago, but I would still absolutely buy this on day one if a full version were ever to be released. Love the concept of train travel as the main game mechanic: the waiting, and the liminal spaces; love the art style and music and just the general atmosphere. Even the way you enter and leave the game is original and charming (and a little spooky). Wonderful little game.

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Seems like a good game but the third station (taking the yellow train) always results on a black endless screen. I pressed every button and nothing materialized.


i dont understand, did i download the pirated version of this game or something? is this actually a paid product? i just see the doom bar at the bottom with the aggravating doom acapella in the background. i just want to explore the world :(

much talented

very train

precious game

<3 <3 <3

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           |||                                       /--------

Honestly the best game I've played on this platform so far. This truly was an incredible, calming and adventurous game that made my mind leave the world. I love the animation and the style and everything. This was a truly magical journey. Thank you so much for this game ❤


this game is so unclear theres no instructions, which may be the whole point, but i got stuck (like i couldnt move) on the car in the 2nd part



but for some reason in the cherry blossom area, the blue train wont open it's doors?? Idk if it's something im doin but it wont open- Other than that (again, could be me doing somethin) I love the atmosphere and vibe to this game! :)

nice vibes :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the game alot! but the only problem i have is that you can't jump so if you go on one of the railings that has 2 of them you get stuck. But you can just go into the blue void and respawn. Also whenever I get on a train for a new area it just turns black.. If I could play more I would! 9/10


The version for Linux doesn't work on Ubuntu Budgie; it just shows weird black&white stripes quickly moving around the screen (graphics problem).

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I really loved visiting each station since the first Endless Express. Miyazaki vibes.

The characters were very intriguing and funny. 


It's a really fun game! It's a bit buggy and hard to see where you're going at times, but I love the concept and it's super fun regardless.


I've been searching for this game ever since I saw a quick playthrough 5 years ago! 


one of my favorite games since it came out


I think about this game regularly since it came out. It's lovely. I wish I could explore more of this world.


Could somebody please tell me how to reset the save file? On Windows I tried deleting the folder "The Endless Express" in "C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\Florian Veltman" but that did not reset the game.

(1 edit)

i tryed that to and it didnt work im still trying tho if i am able to figure out how to reset it i'l let you know

i dont think you can reset the game without having to reinstall the itch app

This game uses Unity's PlayerPrefs system. On Windows, those are saved in the Windows registry. Seach your computer for the "Registry Editor", and in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE you'll find a folder called "Florian Veltman" delete this folder and your data will be reset once you open the game

You should release the Soundtrack somewhere :)


Quite cool! makes me curious what you few will make in the future. I support you in trying to launch a commercial game. It's a big piece of work to do so.

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The original Endless Express was such a massive part of my younger years and initial introduction to indie games and is one of my favourite games for that reason. This is a fantastic updated version/sequel of that original game and means a lot to me.

I really like artist!! Great game!~

I like the game, well done! M1 Mac Gameplay


Hey, I got stuck in one of the buildings and cant get out, so if there is a way to start the game over it would be great.

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yup, same. cool game tho


I really enjoyed playing through this. It would be great if you guys could expand upon it later on, but there's no obligation. Also is the soundtrack of this game available anywhere? I really like that as well.


I played this before I even had an account here, and I loved it! I spent hours exploring and trying to figure out how everything worked, and, as a bonus, in that whole time I didn't find a single glitch! 10/10 from me!

This is my favorite game. The goat

I really liked it ! It was actually super cute and I loved the gameplay. I had fun playing this game, wasn't a waste of time. However, I played it on Linux and there were many bugs (texture bug to be more precise)...

As others have mentioned, there are many weird issues on Linux.

Aside from things like fullscreen not working, which were already mentioned, I also noted that, in windowed mode, the mouse is never hidden. It stays centered, but it never goes away and it's so distracting I can't keep playing it.

The funniest thing, though, is that running the Windows version on Wine actually works out of the box without any issues! So, for Linux users: just download the Windows version and you'll be fine.

Having an issue getting the game to work properly on Linux Mint 19. When I launch the game, it sets to the wrong resolution and then when I attempt to fix it in the settings it doesn't correctly register my mouse in the options menu.

I attempted to try the windowed mode fix someone suggested, but my mouse can't be recognized at all in the menu anymore and there is no way for me to disable fullscreen. I'm locked playing this game at the smallest possible resolution.


What was that? There was an anoying voice that was saying :pitty pitty pitty pu-ty" and it was really annoying. Then i got bored and left.

(1 edit) (+1)

It's a shame, I installed this game way back when you first posted it and only played it recently. Really fun concept and style. I had a blast playing it even though it wasn't fully what you wanted it to be. It was lovely! 

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